Silly Clock DOM Version

This JavaScript originally was written by Kurt Grigg in 2003. I found several versions of it on the Internet but none was really up to more modern scripting methods such as unobtrusive JavaScript which would allow it to run in Firefox also. I rewrote the whole thing to make it fit modern DOM-orientated scripting methods and added some features.

Here is what you can do now:

Get the Source

This script is contained within an external JavaScript file which you can download here: silly_clock.js (13,7 KB)

Implementation on a page

Like every other modern JavaScript this script now is unobtrusive. Just add this line to the <head> part of your page and the Silly Clock is "installed":

<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/silly_clock.js"></script>

You might need to modify the path to the script depending on your site's directory structure...